Fr. John was born and raised in Rhode Island. He was baptized and grew up in the Woonsocket parish of St. Michael. At the age of 17 he was tonsured a reader and subdeacon by His Eminence Archbishop Antony. After graduating from Rhode Island College with a degree in Elementary Education Fr. John stayed busy in his hometown working with the youth soccer league, coaching high school soccer and hockey, and substitute teaching in the elementary and high school. It was in his college years that he began to discern his call to the priesthood. With encouragement from His Eminence Archbishop Antony he went on the inaugural mission trip to Ukraine in 2003. That trip cemented his love of serving and prompted his participation in three more trips. On his last trip, he and another team member, Laryssa Tschaikowsky, grew close to one another which lead to their marriage in 2010.
After being married Fr. John completed the St. Stephen program at the Antiochian House of Studies and was ordained, by His Grace Bishop Daniel to the Deaconate in 2011. Fr. John served as a deacon for three years at St. Peter and Paul parish in Palos Park, IL and three years at St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, IL. After six years of serving as a deacon and completing the MDIV program at St. Sophia Theological Academy in South Bound Brook, NJ, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel ordained Fr. John to the priesthood. Fr. John served a brief amount of time as an assistant priest at St. Volodymyr Cathedral before being assigned to Saints Peter and Paul parish in Carnegie, PA.
Fr. John has served as advisor to the Junior National Executive Board of the Ukrainian Orthodox League for three years and currently serves as their Spiritual Advisor. Fr. John is a member of the All Saints Camp Board and an active participant in the Pittsburgh Area Clergy Brotherhood. Fr. John and Matushka Laryssa have four children.
Altar Server: Paul Onufrey
Altar Boy: Theo Nixon
Altar Boy: Sebastian Charest
John Stasko
Cindy Haluszczak
Howard West
Parish Council President: John Stasko
Vice-President: Fr. Deacon Evan O'Neil
Recording Secretary: Chris Mills
Treasurer: Scott Brettell
Asst. Treasurer: Brintney Brettell
Financial Secretary: TBD
Asst. Financial Secretary: John Pontus
Head Trustee: Pani-Matka Alice O'Neil
Trustee: Natalie Onufrey (Hall Manager)
Trustee: Sherri Walewski
Trustee: Shirley Stasko
Trustee: David Markiw
Auditors: Ron Wachnowsky, Tracey Sally, Marlane Pawlosky
Vestreymen: Victor Onufrey, Steven Sawchuk
Church School Administration: Natalie Kapeluck-Nixon (interim)
Choir Director: Matushka Laryssa Charest
Bulletin Editor: Michael Kapeluck
Parish Technology (Website/Social Media/ etc.): Chris Mills
Sr. Ukrainian Orthodox League, Chapter President: Tracey Sally
St. Matrona's Ladies Society, President: Rachel Losego
Kitchen Workers, Leader: Sherri Waleweski
Youth Ministry: Natalie Kapeluck-Nixon, Mike Sally, John Stasko, Rachel Losego
Kyiv Ukrainian Dance Group, Artistic Director: Natalie Kapeluck
Kyiv Ukrainian Dance Group, President: Mike Sally
St. Peter & St. Paul Museum: Sr. UOL Chapter: Michael Kapeluck, Chairperson
Thursday Sr. Coffee Hour: Fr. Deacon Even & Pani Matka Alice O'Neil
Sunday Coffee Hour: Sr. UOL Chapter: Dan Mamula (Scheduling), Bonnie Reinhart (Supplies)
Parish Men's Group: Fr. John Charest
Head Trustee handles property concerns
Contact for Church Hall Rental Information Hall Info
Technology handles items concerning the Parish Website and Social Media Accounts. To request an item to be placed on parish website/social media or an update, please email this committee.