Sunday | |
9:30am | - Divine Liturgy Followed by Coffee Hour at the Parish Hall |
Tuesday | |
7:00pm | - Moleben for Peace in Ukraine Services alternate between Sts. Peter & Paul UOC & Holy Trinity Parish |
Thursday | |
10:00am | - Parishioner Senior Coffee Hour |
Saturday | |
6:00pm | - Vespers |
Please click on the CALENDAR BUTTON not the Calendar Link for the correct calendar information. Thank you!
Blessing of the Creek
Theophany Services
Caring for our neighbor!
For complete calendar information click HERE
Митрополита Антонія виписали з лікарні
Christ, then, was born as it were a few days ago — He Whose generation was before all things, sensible and intellectual. Today He is baptized by John that He might cleanse him who was defiled, that He might bring the Spirit from above, and exalt m...
Сьогодні наша свята Церква прославляє великого праведника-чесного, славного пророка, Предтечу і Хрестителя Господнього Івана, який був великим угодником Божим. Ще перед його народженням з’явився Архангел Гавриїл його батькові Захарії в єрусалимськ...
15 лютого 2025 року - храмове свято Семінарійної каплиці ПРИЄДНЮЙТЕСЬ ДО СВЯТКУВАННЯ!
УПЛ США - "Супна" Неділя - 9 лютого 2025р.
The parish supports various causes and efforts through-out the community during the year. Below are just a few of our current on-going efforts.