Bulletins from previous years (2023 & 2024) are available in the Bulletin Archives.
Please click HERE.
The St. Peter & St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church Bulletin is published weekly by the Parish Senior UOL Chapter of the Ukrainian Orthodox League. If you would like to sponsor the Bulletin in honor or memory of someone, please complete the "bulletin sponosor form" and submit to the Bulletin Editor.
Items for the Bulletin
Bulletin Submissions are due by 8:00 AM Thursday morning:
Written submissions can be placed in envelope in back of church.
Items can be emailed to the Bulletin Editor at bulletin@orthodoxcarnegie.org
Items for the Website / Social Media Posting
Website / Social Media items can be submitted any time to Parish Technology Person.
Email information Parish Technology at sspptech@orthodoxcarnegie.org
Please include any PDF's or jpgs and how soon you need the information to be posted.